No matter if you’re a newcomer or seasoned veteran of the Joyfully Jobless life, your marketing can get a big boost if you stay alert to media opportunities. One easy way to put yourself in the path of opportunity is via a free service called Help Out a Reporter. Three times a day, the energetic Peter Shankman sends a listing of a dozen or more story requests from reporters and freelancers in search of potential interviewees. It only takes a minute to scan the list (which is organized by subject area) and you never know when you might be a perfect match—and suddenly find yourself catapulted into the national spotlight. 

Here’s a recent post which could also be an opportunity for you to enter your business into StartupNation’s upcoming contest. Here’s the scoop:

 Summary: Need Innovative biz that takes place in a house

Category: Business & Finance

Name: Rich Sloan


Title: Founder, Editor in Chief

Media Outlet/Publication: StartupNation

Anonymous? No

Specific Geographic Region? No


Deadline: 6:00 PM PACIFIC – September 30


“StartupNation is looking for innovative non-office businesses
across a variety of categories. If you know of an innovative
business that deserves recognition entries are being accepted until
midnight Pacific Time on September 30, 2008 at Winners will be
judged by StartupNation and a panel of judges who are each
passionate about non-office business and the Top Ten categories
highlighted in this years competition. Winners of the non-office
100 find themselves at the center of a media storm that includes
recognition on national and local TV, radio, in newspapers and
magazines, and on some of the largest, most influential websites on
the web, MSN and StartupNation among them. “

Be sure to let me know if you win!

No Responses to “Is Your Business a Contender?”

  1. Karen Manassero

    Don’t know where else to send this message. I have not been receiving my Winning Ways for sometime and am not sure why. Could you check on this for me. Thanks.

  2. Karen Manassero

    Don’t know where else to send this message. I have not been receiving my Winning Ways for sometime and am not sure why. Could you check on this for me. Thanks.

  3. Barbara Winter

    Karen, I checked and your subscription expired 2/08. You probably got the March/April issue with a FINAL COPY stamp, but may have missed it. You can renew online and get the renewal rate. If you have questions, e-mail me at barbara@joyfullyjobless. com.


  4. Barbara Winter

    Karen, I checked and your subscription expired 2/08. You probably got the March/April issue with a FINAL COPY stamp, but may have missed it. You can renew online and get the renewal rate. If you have questions, e-mail me at barbara@joyfullyjobless. com.


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