My friend Chris and I loved an old cartoon in which Ziggy declared, “My idea of prosperity is a checking account with commas.”
We promptly adopted that as our prosperity symbol.
Feeling prosperous is a highly individual thing and each of us has a different notion of what constitutes prosperity.
For many people, alas, prosperity means having more than whatever they currently have.
I think it’s much healthier to find small reminders that we are creating abundance in our own lives. Here are a few of my personal favorites.
* You use up your deposit slips faster than you use your check blanks. (This may not count if you bank online.)
* You don’t have any bills because you pay them as soon as they arrive and don’t let them accumulate.
* You understand the difference between an expense and an investment. You are not afraid to invest in yourself.
* You’re always looking for ways to maximize and utilize what you’ve already got rather than noticing what you don’t have.
* You notice and acknowledge your surplus. As Sondra Ray points out if you have even a few coins in your purse, you have a suprlus, yet almost nobody gives themselves credit for that.
* You say thank you a lot. Gratitude is not only a sign of prosperity—it’s the way to attract even more.
* You have a personal definiton of “enough.” As Charles Handy points out, most people have never taken the time or given thought to what that means for them.
* You refine your taste by noticing the things you find beautiful and by uncluttering your life to get rid of things that are taking up space but don’t bring you joy. You’re not afraid to create a vacuum.
* You can appreciate the prosperity of others without being envious.
What would you add to this list?
Good article about perceptions of wealth! It is a nice reminder for we solo entrepreneurs that just because there is no steady income stream doesn’t mean we aren’t prospering.
I may not be in the financial top 1% of the United States but I am in the top 1% of the world.