Have you ever had the experience of working hard to make a change only to discover that once you had done so, other things seemed to change all by themselves?

I thought of this mysterious phenomenon last week when I got the following message from fellow traveler Alice Barry.

In January I felt a real slump in my energy and felt like I was constantly battling my digestion and feeling awful all the time…really in pain. It was affecting my ability to take on work, focus and feel creative.

I joined a holistic health class to get some support and ended up kicking gluten out of my diet completely. Things changed instantly.

One of the biggest changes, besides clear thinking and great digestion with no pain, is that I am now actually losing weight naturally. I’m down 2 inches on my waist and my pants are falling off!

The other benefit is that after mucking through 2010 with not a single new idea for myself, I feel like the flood gates have opened.

I’ve started to talk out loud about my desire to learn voice over — something I’ve always dreamed of but allowed my theater professor’s discouragement to steer me away from so many years ago.

Last week, in a class I’m taking, I started brainstorming ways I could start applying my voice to the small business and entrepreneurial clients I have right now. Here’s where it gets good.

Three days later a contact of mine called me out of the blue and asked if I would be someone who could do the voice over work for a promotional video she had recently shot to promote her speaking engagements! Naturally, I accepted. Then I asked a friend of mine who does voice over here to record me and coach me on it and he agreed without hesitation.

All this plus I have a full schedule of clients…about half business coaching and half naming and branding.

After spending 2009 giving every dime I made to my lawyer to break away from my former business partner, I can say that I have now far surpassed that pay out and am actually in the flow once again—but beyond where I’ve ever been before.

Barbara, every day I’m so honored to pass along to my clients all the insights I’ve learned from you about creating a business that’s right for them. It’s stunning how the smallest tweaks to their thinking push them forward in big ways.

And I’m so aware right now of the foundation you helped me build for how I want to work, the fun I want to have and how beneficial that has been to me. Especially when I see and hear from so many others who are struggling against what’s good for them and what they think they’re supposed to do to build a business.

One thing I think that is so key here is that A.) I have a good foundation of entrepreneurial thinking from absorbing myself in it for years — a foundation that is for working and for living, and B.) therefore making that one change was much easier and felt worth trying even if it wasn’t the answer.

Instead of wallowing in feeling bad or not making progress and isolating myself from people, I started asking questions and telling people how I felt. That landed me in front of the right resource at the right time.

I know have a whole new understanding of how the food we eat affects our energy and the energy we have affects our businesses both in what we can bring in and what we can put out. Changing my energy and my health has directly contributed to my new successes.

If you haven’t had the pleasure of getting to know Alice Barry yourself, pay a visit to her Website  Entertaining the Idea. And if you’re in the area, join Alice and me on May 12 & 13 in Minneapolis for two days of Energize Your Entrepreneurial Spirit.


3 Responses to “Change One Thing”

  1. Renee

    Wow! Congratulations to Alice! So exciting that she was able to bounce back better than ever! I’ve heard a lot of positive comments from folks who kicked gluten out of their diets. Giving that some thought myself. Congrats again!

  2. Alison Marks

    I’m so happy to hear that news from Alice. Hooray! And I echo her sentiments about you – Barbara – being such a great guide in this wild world of creative self-employment.

  3. Shirley @ gfe

    Bravo, Alice, and thanks so much, Barbara, for pointing me to this post! It is amazing how taking gluten out of one’s diet can do for one’s health. The funny thing is that I was reading the post and thinking of how the one thing in my life was going gluten free when I read that was Alice’s one thing, too. Absolutely love this post, and hope to meet Alice and you one day, Barbara! Going gluten free doesn’t help everyone lose weight, but it can help many, especially if they focus on eating real food that’s naturally gluten free vs processed gluten-free foods that contain much we don’t need. But even if it doesn’t help one lose weight, it can make a huge impact in so many other ways, it unbelievable. There are so many one things we can do to keep improving our lives, and as you’ve demonstrated Alice, we can do them one thing at a time and create a wonderful, positive domino effect. 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration!


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