There’s a foolproof test for commitment that goes beyond any verbal claims of commitment: look at your calendar and your checkbook. Are you spending your time and money in ways that back up what you’re truly committed to? It’s only when you bring your spending into alignment with your dreams that good things begin to happen.

 If commitment is an on-again off-again thing for you, or if you recoil from the notion altogether, I’d like to suggest you adopt an idea from the no-nonsense Barbara Sher. She asks her students to make “a temporary permanent commitment.” The brilliance of Sher’s idea is that she reminds us that making a commitment doesn’t mean we’re stuck forever with the things we’ve committed to. For many of us, that’s a huge relief.

 When we make a temporary permanent commitment, we give it our all for a limited period of time. I like the idea of dividing our dreams into 90 Day Projects where we focus on making progress in small, manageable ways day after day. During this time, immerse—don’t dabble. Treat it as a permanent commitment. At the end of the 90 days, take inventory. Want to keep going? Or have you had enough? If the answer is, “I’ve had enough,” then design projects for the next 90 days. And so on and so on and so on.

 Commitment gives us direction, but it doesn’t guarantee ease.

 So take another look at your calendar and checkbook. Do they mirror your commitments? Do they mirror someone else’s ideas about how you should be spending your life?

 Remember, too, that making a commitment is just step one. It means nothing unless it’s backed up with concrete action.

5 Responses to “The Commitment Test”

  1. Paula

    Hello! The 90 commitment is perfect! I’m actually working on an 87 day commitment to finding my passions, which I’m documenting on my blog

    Other folks who read another blog I frequent ( are using this idea too, though not all in 90 day increments. The idea of trying passions on and discarding them if they’re not all they’re cracked up to be in reality is a very freeing notion – sometimes what holds me back is fear that the path isn’t right for me. But if I can back up and try another path, well, then why not try as many as it takes for me to find my direction?

  2. Randy Condit

    This is hitting me right where I am, Barbara. Sometimes the direction and the commitment are right, but the going is slow or there are unexpected obstacles. That’s when we find out how much we want something.

  3. Barbara Winter

    Randy, You’re not the first person to be tested! I often think about times when there was no evidence of progress for me and marvel at the depth of my commitment to keep going. I suspect considering the alternatives were also a boost to that.

  4. Rasheed Hooda

    I like this idea a lot. Don’t dabble, immerse for 90 days and see where it takes you. I think I am going to follow this idea for one of my projects till the end of 2009.

    Today, I am going to immerse myself in deciding which one I want to make a Temporary Permanent Commitment to.

    PS: I love the simplicity of Barbara Sher’s ideas. She is a genius too.

  5. wornthree


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