It’s been a crazy week at World Headquarters in Las Vegas. Thought I killed my laptop (I didn’t), was working frantically to finish up new material for Making a Living Without a Job, and had a fun Better Than Brainstorming teleclass with Alice Barry. I still managed to collect some resources and ideas worth passing along. Here’s this week’s round-up of tips.
Save this link and you’ll save time and frustration when you need information or an answer. It’s a mind-boggling list. HOW TO GUIDE: 60 Great How To Sites and Resources
Love road trips? You can make the next one even better with this new idea I found on Springwise. Amplified Journeys creates playlists for roadtrips geared to your drive.
Seth Godin always has insights worth considering and this week he had two thoughts that really got my attention.
In down economies, the only thing that’s going to change things is changing things.
Like a dream come true. That’s the way Derek Sivers (founder of CDBaby) described his mission statement in building the company. “What could I build that would be a like a dream come true for independent musicians?”
If you don’t get Seth’s daily blog posts, I urge you to join his list and see what he has to say.
For the past couple of years, I’ve been an admirer of Alvin Tan and his company Soul Acrobats. Tan creates workshops that help people move past their fears to discover their “impossibles.” Take a look at Soul Acrobats gorgeous Web site, check out their short videos and read about their upcoming Mindset Workshop, March 25-29.
Good question to ask: what’s my starting point? My starting point was knowing I didn’t want to be an employee and I didn’t want to have employees. That’s never changed, although at the time I realized that, there wasn’t much info to help me accomplish such an oddity. So what’s your starting point?
Finally, if you’ve got an idea that needs some TLC, join me and Alice Barry at Follow Through Camp in Dodge City, KS on May 15 & 16. It’s going to be the ultimate ideafest.
Go make some dreams come true this week. Why not make it a habit?
Your “starting point” reminded me of our mutual friend who proclaimed she;s always be self-employed because she’d never “pee in a cup” for a corporate-mandated drug test!
And my own starting point? Knowing I don’t have to commute to work. After seven years, I can’t even imagine not living in working in the same space!
And it’s so eco-friendly to not commute, don’t you think? AND you can decorate however you like.
I did subscribe to Seth Godin’s blog after reading some of his insights you’d shared here! The post you just cited about CDBaby and “dream come true” has been on my mind since I read it. Now, I’ll go check out the other links. Thanks for all you to do to keep us moving forward to who we are/want to be!